Monday, March 11, 2013

Chew on this...

My mom is a very special woman, not just because she's my mom, but a godly mother.  I am so appreciative to God for that.  She guides me in ways that she might not even realize and even in those moments I "rebel" from her.  She is always challenging me in my faith. Those challenges every time cause my faith to grow from it. 

She writes a "Prayer Corner" every week for her church and has been for years.  I just recently found that out.  Terrible I know.  She has sent me the last two weeks and I want to start sharing with you her challenges.  She told me that it has never failed, God has given her the ideas every week, something for her to write about.  She really is an amazing writer, always has been very good with getting words together for letters, etc.  

So each week I'll share with you her thoughts and things that God has placed on her heart. Without further ado...

Confession is the lesson I’m to learn this week. Sunday Victor shared with us the whys and hows to confess our sins and this week in my study of Nehemiah chapter 9, it is all about confessing as well. Along with confessing our sins, we are to confess God’s
faithfulness in our lives. “Confessing God’s faithfulness does not mean ignoring the hard facts in our lives but reminds us that He is the only One who can truly handle them.” We need to not only confess our sins but also be willing to shout out loud God’s faithfulness in
our lives. You would think talking about God’s faithfulness would be easy, but it's not for some. I faced this very challenge recently when a family member refused to say what they were thankful for. Pray this week to be willing to confess out loud our sins as well as God’s faithfulness. Pray for God to soften the hearts of those who refuse to do either one.

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