First, stop singing Mary J Blige "Real Love." There is no need to search any longer for someone to set your heart free, I have found Him. Secondly on a more serious note, I want to tell you if you are reading this, you have been prayed for. No, I don't know your name but that does not mean God doesn't know it. I've prayed for God to open your eyes to the love He has for you if you don't already know Him as your Savior.
I have seen and felt God's love recently in ways I could have never imagined in my life. I have experienced it on new levels that just blow my mind. It is all because of Christ. Nothing like this has ever come from or could ever be found in my husband, children, family, or friends. It can only come from the true source of love, Jesus Christ.
According to Merriam-Webster, love, defined as a noun, is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Love as a verb is to hold dear.
That's pretty powerful stuff and we were only looking at the definition defined by man. We haven't even scratched the surface of what the Bible says what love truly is. The Bible describes love as the greatest commandment. GREATEST!!! That's a strong word. Don't think that word wasn't used on purpose for us to understand how serious that commandment is.
Hang with me, I promise this only seems like you are back in school. I really want you to grasp this and understand how extravagant God's love is for us and how much love He extends to us daily. It will blow your socks off!!! Let's see what the dictionary defines the word "greatest" as. One way defines greatest as highest in quality, another says larger in size than others of the same kind. One more way states of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average. That puts a whole new spin on that word "greatest" for me.
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
No one, no one, no one! Did you hear that, no one has shown greater love then what Jesus did by dying on the cross for each one of us. A concept that God recently brought to light to me through a friend was that Jesus would have died on the cross even if I was the only person on earth left to be saved. I am still in awe when I think of that. My first reaction was shocked then it turned into "Why Lord?" I began to wonder why do you love me? If you don't need me for your will to be done and I always fail you because I am a fair-weathered friend, why do you bother with me?
My hubby said this to me as I was sharing my tears and heart with him one day about this question I was stumped with. He said, "...easiest way I can wrap my brain around the why is viewing it like we view our children. We don't need them to do things around the house to get the work done. They fail us over and over again. Admit it, they don't always do the best job at the ages they are at. One day they love us and next day they will hate us, but we allow them to help us, why? Because we love them and want to be with them, share experiences with them, share emotions with them, no matter what happens good or bad, we just want to be with them. We love them because they are a part of us." My eyes were opened by God in that moment. He loves us because we are a part of Him.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
God Himself created us, it says it 3 times in that one verse, "He created..." That is why He loves us so much. God doesn't need us to do His will but He desires to be with His children. He desires for a personal love relationship with each one of us. Just as my relationship with each of my kids will be different, our relationship with God will be different then our spouses or friends. We are all unique and have unique needs, just like our own kids. God knows that and knows exactly what we need and at the perfect moment when to give that need to us or when to take it away. Why do I even begin to doubt how He knows what is best for me.
Psalm 139:13 For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother's womb.
God created me, so He knows me better then I know myself. In the same light that we know our children better then they know themselves. We see the bigger picture for them and give them only what they need for that moment in life. I'm not gonna give the keys to a car to my 10 year old. Are you crazy!?!? She can't handle that now. I know the bigger picture for her and she's not ready for that. It's the same thing in regards to our relationship with God. He knows the bigger picture of my life. He knows when I am ready or not ready for things. He knows when changes need to occur in me, when people need to be removed from my life or when people need to be placed in my life. He knows EVERY detail of my being why would I doubt His love for me.
Matthew 10:30 And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered.
We first have to submit to the love God has for us because I promise you He knows what is best! He works all things our for our good and His glory. I promise you He will never lead you a stray, He is trustworthy and faithful! His love is perfect, everything you will ever need! Imagine only having ONE need in your life, Jesus. That's all. He satisfies everything else you have been searching for. Just Jesus.
Philippians 4:9 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.
And everything God does is all done out of pure love, nothing more and nothing less then love.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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