Monday, February 24, 2014

Chew on this...

Moses sent 12 scouts to the promise land to check things out. The scouts had specific instructions on what they were to do and they didn’t just go for the day and bring a few things back, they were gone for 40 days! After all that time they bring back samples of the bounty of the land, single clusters of grapes so large it took two men to carry.  Yet ten came back saying the people were too powerful and like most bad news, it went through the Israelites like wild fire causing a great rebellion. Yet two stand firm with God saying He will bring us safely into the land. Who can we relate to as a church? Pray that we have the faith of the two who said we will go with God into the promise land. The Lord calls each of us to go into the promise land and share His gift of salvation.  Where is God calling you to go? Mountain T.O.P. with your family? Spain? Honduras? maybe right next door! Pray for faith to go where ever God is calling us to go as a church. ~ Frances

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