Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I am ever so thankful this day for the Lord has saved my son! My heart is overjoyed!

My kids and I read daily devotionals together. What I use changes from time to time but currently we are reading through The Jesus Storybook Bible.  I highly recommend this book!

We were reading through the story of David and that he is the writer of some chapters in Psalms. The kids and I were discussing how God used David even though he sinned against God. I read from the book this line, " I need a new heart Lord because mine is full of sin. Make me clean inside," this was David praying to God.  

Some know the struggle I have with my son and his learning skills.  There are so many times I feel he doesn't listen or focus and truly struggles with it.  Sometimes I just continue on with whatever I am teaching knowing God will use it no matter if my son looks like he isn't paying attention.  

He was chowing down on his cereal, I'm thinking he has no clue what I'm talking about as usual. :) After reading David's prayer, my son looks up to me and says "That's what I need Momma, a clean heart because mine is bad and I do bad things." I thought I was going to burst into tears! You see I have been praying for that kid from the day he was born but realized last week that it had been a long time since I prayed for his salvation, long time meaning over a year.  I always looked at him, not necessarily a lost cause, because no one is in God's eyes, but that it would just take him a lot longer to maybe see and understand his need for Christ.  I know this is not showing a lot of faith on my part as a mother and follower of Christ. I am so thankful that Christ can use and redeem no matter how small our faith is at that time. 

After realizing that, I thought about 1 Thess 5:17, pray without ceasing.  So I began praying for my boy's salvation again this week, praying he would see his need for Christ. PTL for answering our prayers!

Last night was also a ladies craft night with my Sunday School women.  We painted and embellished a wooden cross.  I chose red, white, and blue, which while I was painting, I remember thinking what was I thinking.  These colors have nothing to do with my home or my style, and thought I'll keep going and can give it away later.  

Before breakfast this morning, my son asked to see what I created last night, so I showed him.  He loved it and said "You did this cross for me!" I know he claimed it because of the boy colors, but I couldn't help but think back at that moment with Easter just around the corner, and my son accepting Christ.  Felt a flood of thoughts of Jesus saying, "Yes son, I died on this cross for you! I did this just for you!" 

Once I got my kids on the bus for school I opened my Bible app on my phone to begin my time with God.  The daily verse that appears at the top stated Proverbs 22:6 "Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." This was a special "note" from God to me, telling me I'm on the right path with my children by teaching them of God's love, mercy, and truths.  Does this mean they will be perfect and never stray? NO WAY! I'm sure they will struggle and we will all have some very challenging days but I'm confident in the truth I'm teaching my children and they are placing these truths in their hearts.

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart...


  1. Oh, Colleen, how precious! God is so faithful!! Now you can have such peace knowing your precious son is safe in God' hand and nothing can pluck him from there!!! And he can grow in the wisdom and the knowledge of the Lord! Yay!!! I'm so thankful God has blessed you!

  2. Thanks Gayle! It was an amazing moment ordained by God!
