Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Pearl Event III

I had the awesome privilege of photographing an event that I can only describe as AMAZING!  I am so thankful to Sibi for allowing me to do this and hear all that God had in store for me through this event.  God can use anything, even things you least expect to speak to you!

The event I photographed was The Pearl Event. It was held at the crazy beautiful location of the Schermehorn Symphony Center in Nashville, Tennessee.  I am still blown away with how each speaker spoke directly to my heart!

To kick off the event, worship was lead by The Morning Sun, Michaela McLaird.  WOW!  What a beautiful sound! Her voice had so much depth and richness in it, you could not help but raise your hands and worship God.  Beautiful voice and music! Check her out on iTunes, you wont regret it!

Each speaker gave their testimony and how God is very alive and working in their lives.  Each poured their heart out to us.  They spoke of how Satan uses the tactic of self condemnation in different ways on each of us, how God uses hurts in our lives to draw us closer to Him, how we are a pearl of Christ and we can't run rush the process of God working on us because we could loose our luster.

I could go on and on but I wont because when I say you have to be there to truly experience what I'm talking about is true!  You really had to be there, to experience everything, from the decorations, the women attending, the music, the speakers, the vendors, EVERYTHING!  It was just beautiful!

Each speaker had her man by her side there, which was just the sweetest.  These husbands needed to be there for support and because they are a part of the stories being told.  It was very special to see them all there offering their love and support for their bride.  The men were also on camera duty for the gals while they were busy doing their thing.

The speakers were Rachel Adams, Charity Jones (you can call her Cha Cha), Cherish Pinson, and the host Sibi Riffer.

The verse on the front of the program was Revelation 2:17.  When I read that, I knew I was right where God wanted me to be.

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it." Revelation 2:17

The word manna had blinking lights around it! Something God has been showing me through my walk with Him. You can read about it here.

After experiencing this event I am in need of some pearls for sure now! HA!  When Sibi said she puts on her pearls as a weapon, pearls are a mark of her innocence and the high price that was paid for our freedom, I knew I needed my own set!

Thanks again Sibi for allowing me to experience this part of your walk with The Triple Strand.  Thank you also to the speakers for sharing your heart with all of us.  The courage and strength it took was drawn from God and it showed it every way! You are all beautiful pearls!

1 comment:

  1. Coleen ~ Honey these are amazing! You did such a lovely job capturing this event in pictures and in words. Love this! Thank you again for sharing your gift with us. Looking forward to seeing all the images from that special day! Love to you!
