Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Grumpy dough...

I feel like my household has been a little on the grumpy side lately, so I decided to make some playdough and add essential oils to it.

 I used wild orange, but any citrus blend like lemon, lime, grapefruit, or orange is very uplifting to energize the mind and body.  Sounded perfect for my family!

Gather your ingredients:
3 cups of flour (I used fresh milled hard white.  It's all I had.)
2 Tbsp oil
3/4 cup salt
3 Tbsp cream of tartar
1 1/2 cup boiling water
10-20 drops of essential oil
food coloring

1.  Start by stirring together your salt, flour, cream of tartar and oil in a large bowl.

2.  Add the boiling water and keep stirring till it gets a little stiff, then use your hands to knead mixture until it forms into dough.

3.  Once its mixed pretty good and has cooled down, add essential oil and food coloring.   Knead the dough until the dye is thoroughly mixed in.  It may take a bit of arm strength but keep it up!

Once your done, its playdough time for the whole family!  Let the giggles begin!

You could even use lavender essential oil to create a relaxing environment while your kids play.

Don't forget to store playdough in air tight container!

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