Monday, April 15, 2013

Deck Rebuild...Day 4

Pollen is out in full force at our house.  My youngest feels the burden of that the most.  His poor little eyes are so swollen and itchy.  He will look and feel this way for the next 2 months.  We are doing all we can to give him a little relief from his allergies.  Breaks my heart but it is what it is and we do the best we can with it.

I touched up the picture below some but I couldn't hide all the red around his eyes.  He gets some serious shiners during this season as well.  Can look pretty bad some days and others you can see relief.  Poor thing!

Hubby has been working to get the frame strong for this huge deck.

This project like all other projects in our house has been "Vernerized!" HA! Meaning super sized the Verner way.  I mean just look at all this wood! This isn't even for all of the deck! LOL! Makes me think of the AT&T commercials with those kids who say the cutest things, "Bigger is better."

Most things we do around here end up a huge project, of course by our choice. They can seem so torturous in the process but once finished feel so worth it!

Yep, it's gonna be that big! I can hardly wait!  I found this drawing by the youngest in picture below.  I am gonna miss seeing drawings like this in a few years.

Here it is the last of the old deck.  Curse you tiny toliet... deck!  Despicable Me is a fave movie of mine!

It's all gone! Out with the old and in with the new deck.

Man that is one pathetic plant by the door.  I obviously do not have a green thumb.

We have a floor. Hubby and I enjoyed the afternoon while he was taking a break the other day.  I knew this was going to be so nice but man just sitting in the unfinished deck, I realized it was going to be WONDERFUL!

Definitely have a long way to go, but what a feeling seeing this much progress from my hard working man! Thanks again babe! 

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